George Bush, Tax Hiker More liberal lies! What does someone from LA know anyway? All those liberal hollywood types and dope-smoking hippie surfers! ;)
posted by decemberx 4:20 PM[edit]
Meet the New Rush, Same as the Old Rush ... [Media Matters for America] This a$$ gets PAID to spew this crap! I've always wanted a shirt that says "Femi-nazi and Proud"... I thought it might be passé by now, he's been using that term since the early 90's, back when I worked at Hy-Vee and the pharmacist used to listen to him, and if I was stocking in the pharmacy, I'd have to listen too.....
posted by decemberx 1:35 PM[edit]
Pirates & Emperors This would be much funnier if it weren't all true.....
posted by decemberx 11:14 AM[edit]
ABC News: What Happened in Kerry's Vietnam Battles? Very interesting. Of course, Republicans will dismiss this as the "liberal media" trying to "smear" them, which is how they deal with any criticism. They're big on "the truth," as is their version of the facts. Anyway, ABC did this in response to the Sinclair controversy. Our country edges closer to a totalitarian state everyday..... I'm tired of being told I don't love my country because I dislike the government. It's getting to where I'm embarrassed to be an American. I'm saddened by where this country is going. I'm ashamed that George W. Bush is the exemplar of our country to the rest of the world.... We who hold ourselves out as the bastion of truth, liberty, and justice. We don't torture prisoners... we don't violate civil rights... we have free and open elections... America's beginning to look like the Great and Powerful OZ (pay no attention to the man behind the curtain....)
Speaking of controversy, I really would like to know what Mary Cheney has to say about the whole brouhaha over Kerry referencing her sexual preference in Thursday's debate. It's not like she hasn't been out for years, she even served as the gay-lesbian liaison for Coors..... but I'm sure the spinmasters will make sure she's not allowed to comment.
posted by decemberx 9:41 AM[edit]
We Like The Moooooooon! Sometimes, you just have to escape the seriousness of the election bullsh*t..... I'm bummed that Quizno's doesn't run their Spongmonkey commercial anymore..... I think it was just too demented, the joke was too obscure. Actually, I about fell out of my chair the first time I saw the commercial, I couldn't believe it at first.....
posted by decemberx 11:56 PM[edit] - Nevada investigates voter registration - Oct 14, 2004 Republicans suck. Around here, they've been stealing Democratic candidates yard signs, sometimes replacing them with Republican ones -- namely 'ole Bushbot Fortenberry. Yesterday my cell phone rang, saying "Unknown Caller" -- I don't answer those. So when I checked my voicemail, it was some lame recording from the Republican National Committee, casting aspersions on our Democratic candidate... I want to know how the bastards got my cell #... if I paid for my minutes (I'm on the Cricket unlimited local plan) I'd be even more pissed.
posted by decemberx 5:01 PM[edit]
Whoo hoo! Kage Baker, The Life of the World to Come: The New Company Novel I've been waiting for this... and of course Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince... and the next book of Alice Borchardt's Tales of Guinevere series...
posted by decemberx 1:04 PM[edit] - Goths on the job I've been a (mostly lurking) member of Corpgoth's Yahoo group for 4 years. As someone posted in reference to this article, it's refreshing to have an article about us that's not in the "look at the silly freaks" vein......
posted by decemberx 11:44 AM[edit]
Retro vs. Metro : What is Retro? What is Metro? Help! I'm a Metro trapped in a Retro state!
posted by decemberx 4:48 PM[edit]
t r u t h o u t - Bush Family Values: War, Wealth, Oil
posted by decemberx 3:07 PM[edit]
I have a question... who the hell is running this country right now? Shrub was doing a half-assed job when he wasn't trying to get "re"-elected... now his limited brain capacity is focused on the campaign. I don't understand why more people aren't upset that his campaign stops have been for Republicans only. Isn't he still (supposedly) representing ALL Americans as president?
I thought Nebraska had a lot of religious whackos, but apparently we have nothing on Oklahoma. They elected this guy! God and guns. What a great combination. I was trying to find info on the whackjob they mentioned on Nightline last night -- some fundie from OK that believes abortion providers should face the death penalty. I love Anti-abortion people. They don't want abortion, they don't want birth control, they don't want sex education (except for abstinence programs); yet they don't want to pay for welfare programs for all the children that would result. I've always believed that Republicans have a vested interest in making sure there's a lower class -- people who are desperate enough to work for the sh*t wages their companies pay (or, have to join the military to get an education, so they have cannon fodder for their wars - just look at our current war). After all, they don't believe in minimum wage. And they want to do away with things like Medicaid, yet don't want to provide benefits for employees.
Enemies of the First Amendment has a nice little bio of some of the scariest people in this country. Even if I didn't think Coors tasted like bilgewater, I would never ever drink it. These people want to turn us into the Christian version of Iran. Why is fundamentalism bad when it's Islamic, but good when it's Christian? That's why I want to laugh when Shrub talks about making Iraq a "democracy," when his rabid followers want to turn our country into a theocracy. Maybe The Handmaid's Tale isn't so far-fetched....
posted by decemberx 10:50 AM[edit]
When Liberal Became An Epithet - Karl Weinberg: "Liberal became a bad word when liberals continue to advocate raising taxes on hard working Americans. The upper 10% pay 64.9% of the income taxes in this country while the lower 50% pay a total of 4% yet use most of the benefits of the social programs that those taxes support."
Hard-working? My ass. Most of the people who have the most money in this country INHERITED it, usually from ancestors who exploited workers to get that money. Besides, since when is putting on a suit & sitting on your ass in an office hard work?
"Liberal became a bad word when George Soros and his ilk, Move On. Org, Americans Coming Together etc. want to spend a billion dollars to change the out come of an election. All the while trying to convince ordinary Americans they are doing it because George W. Bush is a murderer and warmonger. "
The people who spend the most on political campaigns in this country are Republicans. The only time they support free speech is when it means contributing as much money as they want to Republican candidates.
posted by decemberx 4:21 PM[edit]
MTV's Dumbocracy - Hans Zeiger This guy is a whackjob. You can tell he's a right-winger because anything more liberal than Rush is automatically "Left." He's afraid young people will vote because they tend not to be Republicans. I love how 18-year-olds aren't "mature" enough to vote, but they're old enough to send off to Iraq to die....
posted by decemberx 4:08 PM[edit]
Barefoot And Naked: Bush's Magic Eye Economy
posted by decemberx 3:44 PM[edit]
This editorial from the Denver Post is quite interesting. I've been thinking about global warming a lot lately, due to the climatogical whackiness of the past year -- all the tornados & hurricanes, the abnormally cool summer here in Nebraska... I was remembering the first article I recall reading about global warming -- in Rolling Stone in 1982. I was only in 9th grade then, but it made that much of an impact on me (in a strange serendipitous event, while cleaning out the basement this weekend, Mom came across a stack of Rolling Stones from 1982 I had stashed away from some reason, and the issue with that article happened to be among them) . I remember how at the time the idea was dismissed as Chicken Little-ish... (mostly by Republicans & oil industry people). Here it is 22 years later, and things may not have happened as quickly as predicted, but there is definitely something wrong somewhere. Yet our esteemed leader arrogantly ignores the evidence, just like he ignores anything to do with science. I think that's why hard-core right wingers view all change as bad - they don't even believe in evolution. So let's just keep doing things the way we've ALWAYS done them, whether there are better new ways to do them.
One thing we really need to get over is our dependence on fossil fuels. The whole thing is so 20th-century. There should be huge tax breaks for manufacturers of fuel cell vehicles, and huge tax breaks for those who buy them. And people who buy SUVs over a certain size should have to pay more taxes, those things waste so much gas. Why are so many of the people that drive those things arrogant assholes? Does that come standard, or do you have to pay extra for it? Saturday Mom & I went to the Goodwill to drop off some stuff, and some moron from 54 county parked his humongous Ford Excursion (one of the worst gas guzzlers) in the middle of 4 parking places! Jackass. The worst is in the winter, because the morons think they're driving a tank, so they don't slow down when its slick. 4 wheels aren't better than 2 on ice.
Anyways, another thing we need to get over (especially in this state) is the nostalgic love affair with the "family farm." It's just not an efficient use of resources. The politicians love to get their mug on camera with some family who's been farming for 40 generations, and talk about how they'll support the family farm. Another big sell around here is ethanol, even though it has major disadvantages--
Other biomass fuel sources have been tried. Crops such as corn are converted to alcohol. In the case of corn to ethanol, it is energy negative. It takes 71% more energy to produce ethanol than is obtained from the ethanol. Also, using grain such as corn for fuel precludes it from being used as food for humans or livestock. It is also hard on the land. In United States corn production, soil erodes some 20-times faster than soil is formed. Ethanol has less energy per volume than does gasoline, so more gasoline has to be purchased to make up the difference. Also, ethanol is not environmentally friendly, as advocates would like to believe. Pimentel (1998) states: "Ethanol produces less carbon monoxide than gasoline, but it produces just as much nitrous oxides as gasoline. In addition, ethanol adds aldehydes and alcohol to the atmosphere, all of which are carcinogenic. When all air pollutants associated with the entire ethanol system are measured, ethanol production is found to contribute to major air pollution problems." With a lower energy density than gasoline, and adding the petroleum energy used to plow, plant, cultivate, and transport the corn for ethanol production, ethanol does not save gasoline nor does it's use reduce atmospheric pollution.
from Alternative Energy Sources - Myth and Realities
I personally don't use ethanol-blend gas because I don't think it lasts as long as regular gas, it seems like it burns faster.
posted by decemberx 1:39 PM[edit]
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