Democracy Now!: radio and TV news woohoo! More liberal media! I didn't know KZUM carried this, or I would have been listening to it... I only found out because KLMS preempted the Jungle for a Royals game.............
Presidential Hopefuls Veto Emergency Contraception Despite FDA Support The woman from the Family Research Council (another fundy organization -- they claim to be a "Christian organization promoting the traditional family unit and the Judeo-Christian value system upon which it is built") was a total bitch, but what do you expect from a member of the Christian Taliban? You could tell she was another one of those white bread Bushbot c*nts. Being a dr., I'm sure she has access to more-than-adequate health care. What was particularly heinous is she was pretending she was concerned for women's health, when really she's just another raging pro-lifer....
People For the American Way - Right Wing Watch
posted by decemberx 12:55 PM[edit]
Ethel's Launches Innovative Chocolate "Lounges" I wish we had one of these here..... mmmmm.... chocolate is definitely my drug of choice......
posted by decemberx 12:40 PM[edit]
There's a question on the Harry Potter Wizard Challenge that needs to be changed now that Half-Blood Prince is out... The question is something like "Which of the following was not a Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher?" and you get 4 choices -- Professor Quirrel, Professor Lupin, Mad Eye Moody, or Professor Snape. The problem now, of course, is that ALL of them have been DAtDA teachers.
posted by decemberx 9:39 AM[edit]
United States Senator Rick Santorum :: Welcome This stick-up-the-a$$ was on NPR this morning... making the usual lofty right-wing fundy pronouncements that have so little to do with reality... he thinks "intelligent design" should be taught in schools. (So how do you explain morons like the president?) This is the same moron that claimed that if same-sex marriage is legalized, that "cats would marry dogs," people would marry furniture, etc... The truly scary thing about this freak, though, is that enough people agree with him where he's from to elect him to Congress...
He can't understand why people are criticizing him for saying people should spend more time at home with their children. But what he really means is, women should stay home with their children instead of working (get out the dictionary of fundy-speak)... as usual, they're f'ing clueless about real life of real people. Most women work because they have to, not because they want to. The cost of living in this country is so high, it's nearly impossible to live on one income, especially if you have children. We can't live on one income, and I make almost double minimum wage... and we don't have children. Ok, we have hairy children, but they don't cost nearly as much to take care of as human children....
posted by decemberx 8:36 AM[edit]
2005 Federal Poverty Guidelines This is such a tremendous joke... one person can't live on what the government thinks a family of 4 should be able to live on... I was listening to Marketplace last night, and they had some right-wing fundy a-hole from the Heritage Foundation blathering that there is no poverty in America, that problem is Americans' expectations, and that the poorest people in our country are wealthy by Third World standards. What an arrogant butt monkey... the point is, we aren't a Third World country, despite the Republicans best attempts to turn us into one..... he claims most people in poverty have a car, 2 tvs, etc. I'd like to know how many cars he has, what kind of house he lives in... as someone else said, in America a car is pretty much a necessity to get a job, because public transportation is so abysmal in this country.
Here's an example of the right-wing blather from The Heritage Foundation's report on poverty:The decline in marriage is the second major cause of child poverty. Nearly two-thirds of poor children reside in single-parent homes; each year, an additional 1.3 million children are born out of wedlock. Increasing marriage would substantially reduce child poverty: If poor mothers married the fathers of their children, almost three-quarters would immediately be lifted out of poverty.34Notice how they oh-so-subtly place all the blame on women -- "If poor mothers married the fathers of their children" -- not if "fathers married the mothers of their children." Typical conservative arrogance. Although women who are stupid enough to keep having children they can't support deserve to be condemned for the selfish morons they are, it still takes two people to create a child. If men don't want to take responsibility for their spawn, they should either take care of contraception themselves, or don't have sex with skanks. What a novel idea! And incarceration shouldn't be an out for supporting your children -- they should have to work just like the rest of us. It costs $20,000+ to keep people locked up-- and they don't have to lift a finger to support themselves. All this crap about making them work violating their civil rights is bull$hit. If that's the case, my civil rights have been violated just about every day since I was 14.
posted by decemberx 1:34 PM[edit]
Talk about depressing. I was cleaning out my closet, and I came across some of my clothes I used to wear when I first got married -- size 4 jeans. Now I'm more or less a 16.And I don't even have the excuse of having spawned... I'm just fat. 30 more pounds and I'd be Lydia (this dumpy fundy Christian woman I used to work with who wasn't overly fond of bathing--ewww. And before she figured out how truly evil I am, she tried to fix me up with her brother! Augh!)
posted by decemberx 9:37 AM[edit]
Petition - Nebraska Republican Party Those silly, silly Republicans. They've wasted way more money than $83/person... When is Bush going to start reimbursing us for his bullshit war? I'm sure that's cost way more than $83/person.......
posted by decemberx 5:37 PM[edit]
How ironic that Shrub is insisting that Iraq formulate a constitution, like its some kind of magic piece of paper that will suddenly make Iraq into a stable "democracy", yet our own Constitution is meaningless as far as he's concerned. It's like that whole "legislating from the bench" bullshit -- when it's something (usually having to do with religion or restricting personal freedom), it's constitutional, but if it's something they don't agree with, it's "legislating from the bench." It's ok to be an "activist" judge if you're trying to impose your religious world view on everyone.
posted by decemberx 8:41 AM[edit]
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