Liars Actually
American Psycho
Bush v. Jesus This one is a perfect illustration of the hypocrisy of the Right's claim to Christianity......
Kindred Spirits
This Modern World
posted by decemberx 1:27 PM[edit]
The Born AGAINity
posted by decemberx 1:20 PM[edit]
Our American Taliban These people make Hitler look normal..... and 52% of American just endorsed their agenda.....
posted by decemberx 11:53 AM[edit]
AlterNet: Election 2004: The Unbearable Darkness of Being This from another woman, who shares my concerns about the the particular perils of being female under the Christian Taliban.... I'm married and straight, but I don't plan on having children... so I'm not doing the only thing the religious right thinks a woman is good for - a baby factory. Never mind the fact that I have well-thought-out reasons for why I think motherhood wouldn't be a good thing for me or a child, that I feel I'm being socially responsible by deciding not to reproduce. Those people aren't into reason or sanity.
I can't believe that the real Christians (those who live by the teaching of Christ, not zealot Rapture/Armageddon bs) realize just how insane the right-wing religious extremism is... all those people who said "moral" issues were their concern... I guess mocking a death row prisoner pleading for their life is moral, that implying that a man who was a prisoner of war was insane, when you used your privilege to avoid any sort of military service is moral... (I lost respect for John McCain when he turned around and supported Bush after Bush had tried to cast aspersions on his sanity), lying to the people you are sworn to lead is moral... as long as you are "Pro-life" and talk about your faith constantly, without actually behaving like a moral & religious person, you're a moral man. Whatever.
posted by decemberx 11:03 AM[edit]
MarryAnAmerican - No good American will be left behind! Alas, too late for me.....
posted by decemberx 10:49 AM[edit]
AlterNet: Election 2004: The Values Ploy A current (post-election) commentary related to my earlier post about the "Talibanization of America"...
Women are common targets of politicians seeking to appease their values constituents. Look to the Islamic world for contemporary examples. Here in the West values-based policies materialize in less visually jarring forms. It begins with women losing control over their own reproductive systems and proceeds from there to policies that restate a woman's key role in society as that of mother hen. Jobs, professional careers and other un-hen-like pursuits, may be allowed, but only after she has completed raising her brood. Laws requiring equal pay are cast in the values political dialog as incitement for young women to shirk home and hearth for the decidedly un-hen-like world of men.
Lucky me.
posted by decemberx 3:50 PM[edit]
AlterNet: The Christian Taliban Thank you, American people, for validating this bullsh*t. Welcome to the Christian version of Iran. Apparently, a lying warmonger represents your moral values. Today, I mourn the death of democracy. This administration already controls Congress, and will control the Courts because every extreme right-wing appointee will be confirmed by the Republican-controlled Congress. We no longer have the "checks and balances"....
The only good thing is that Bush will have to take care of his own f*ck-up of Iraq, he can't foist it off on someone else and go back to his ranch to ride his horsies. I've heard several sources say that the situation there is much worse than we've been (mis)led to believe... that Viet Nam pales in comparison. Every thing that gets f'd up over the next 4 years, I'm going to stand back and do the Nelson laugh... if America is stupid enough to buy the load of bullsh*t they've been sold AGAIN, they deserve another 4 years of incompetence. Too bad the rest of us have to suffer, too... Canada is looking pretty good right now. Plus, they let you keep your American citizenship, so if this country ever pulls its collective head out of its a$$, you can come back.
posted by decemberx 11:32 AM[edit]
Eminem making socially responsible videos? Crazy. Anyway... today's the day. I've done all I can -- I was waiting at my polling place when it opened at 8 this morning, I was #5 in my precinct. Now it's up to my fellow Americans to restore my faith in this country.......
posted by decemberx 3:42 PM[edit]
Peroutka for United States President in 2004 - Constitution Party Nominee Michael A. Peroutka This guy is an even bigger nutjob than Shrub... but at least his nuttiness is out there for all to see... Shrub is sneakier about his right-wing religious agenda. There was some thing on Fox last night where they had Bush and Kerry each answer a question -- they asked how important faith was in their decision making. And Shrub sat there with a (more-or-less) straight face and said he doesn't impose his religion on anyone else. Not overtly, maybe, but the right-wingers are all trying to impose their religious views on the rest of us... especially around here, with Mike Foley (nominally a Catholic, but he's one of those scary shiney-eyed pod people -- he couldn't be more unlike John Kerry).
posted by decemberx 2:13 PM[edit]
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